Benefits of Family constellations

Family Constellations are an effective way to transform what is holding you back so that you can live your life from your greatest potential. The goal of family constellations is to allow you to break the existing toxic patterns so that you live a happier and fulfilling life.

Some of the benefits of family constellations:

  • Reveals hidden cross-generational dynamics that are affecting your live through unconscious loyalty to family
  • Improves your relationships (parents, partner, children, colleagues, etc.)
  • Turns your past into a source of strength
  • Acquires a healing inner image of your family and yourself
  • Frees you and your descendants from invisible burdens
  • Empowers and strengthens your capacity to respond to challenges
  • Transforms your blockages and self-sabotage
  • Increases your empathy, love and compassion for yourself and others

Clinical experience has shown that family constellation therapy may be used for a number of conditions and issues.
This powerful soul work assists in creating positive shifts in:

  • Relationships
  • Success in life
  • Recurring emotions (depression, fear, anxiety, sadness, feeling unworthy or unrooted, blockages, stagnation etc.)
  • Achieving life goals
  • Finances
  • Unexplained symptoms
  • Health
  • Self-sabotage
  • Infertility
  • Addictions etc.


You are about to embark on a soul journey. Are you ready?